Sabtu, 07 April 2018

A Hardcore Fact A Good Web Design Can Be Bad

A Hardcore Fact A Good Web Design Can Be Bad

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pbr> Can really a good web design be bad? That is the matter of fact that things that look good can be bad. A web design needs to be focused on users. By that, we mean focused on everything, on the viewer's tastes, their inspirations, and their moods. If these factors are not met properly, things can really go down under. By the means of this post, We will try to create an understanding of the timing of a web design for the user. But first, you need to understand that a good web design can be or cannot be a bad web design. How come we came to this conclusion? For that, you might need to read the entire post.

pbr> Can really a good web design be bad? That is the matter of fact that things that look good can be bad. A web design needs to be focused on users. By that, we mean focused on everything, on the viewer's tastes, their inspirations, and their moods. If these factors are not met properly, things can really go down under. By the means of this post, We will try to create an understanding of the timing of a web design for the user. But first, you need to understand that a good web design can be or cannot be a bad web design. How come we came to this conclusion? For that, you might need to read the entire post.
Obviously not. br>> A idiiuuoossFFcc hat ill llwwYYuu  iiddbr> ooddUU eeiinnaa he rrnn iieeBBccmmssBBddUU  eeiinn<br> br>>II ood eb eeiinnssiitt oorraattnniinnffoo he occssdd lemeet o he eesstt,,wwll ttee  oo iihh eed oo cnniddrraaddffeeeettwwbbddssgg.. Rmmmmee,,aaggoo eb eeigg ssnnttaawwyy tteerrggttooee<r> Heerr yyuunnee oo aapp oo tee rggttwwbbdeesiinnss hhtt yu aa  ffeettvvll ater oorrvveeeesstteettiigg  hhyywwnn oossee ou iihh eettiikknn,,wwyyuuee xxect s o hhwwtteerrggttiisseeddoo  oodd ecaass hhyy xpeetttteerrggttttiiggffoo oo..SS,,yyuubbttee oottaa r lle racc ourssll or hh> br> AAwwyy ggooeeTTee Goo ee eeiinnTT  iiqqaaiiyyYYuu ssrrbr> oossttii  vvrrhhppee oo yuu hhn ou ppn eesstt,,yyuusseeaallnn  eeerreeddnn orm ssiiggeeeeyyhhnn bbuu  ou..TTii  aattrr ss uutt  ommmnnffrraattaaee eesstt.. Nww any fftteewwbbddssgg xxeett iil ell oo o uii hh ormm ike haa, ut hht f ou re rrvvllaaeettwwtt wwbbitt,oo ssooiittddwwtt n nsuraacc ompann..CCnn yu bokaa nnuuancee o iiiioo uutt y issnnmm nd  mmii ddrrss??
Obviously not. br>> A idiiuuoossFFcc hat ill llwwYYuu  iiddbr> ooddUU eeiinnaa he rrnn iieeBBccmmssBBddUU  eeiinn<br> br>>II ood eb eeiinnssiitt oorraattnniinnffoo he occssdd lemeet o he eesstt,,wwll ttee  oo iihh eed oo cnniddrraaddffeeeettwwbbddssgg.. Rmmmmee,,aaggoo eb eeigg ssnnttaawwyy tteerrggttooee<r> Heerr yyuunnee oo aapp oo tee rggttwwbbdeesiinnss hhtt yu aa  ffeettvvll ater oorrvveeeesstteettiigg  hhyywwnn oossee ou iihh eettiikknn,,wwyyuuee xxect s o hhwwtteerrggttiisseeddoo  oodd ecaass hhyy xpeetttteerrggttttiiggffoo oo..SS,,yyuubbttee oottaa r lle racc ourssll or hh> br> AAwwyy ggooeeTTee Goo ee eeiinnTT  iiqqaaiiyyYYuu ssrrbr> oossttii  vvrrhhppee oo yuu hhn ou ppn eesstt,,yyuusseeaallnn  eeerreeddnn orm ssiiggeeeeyyhhnn bbuu  ou..TTii  aattrr ss uutt  ommmnnffrraattaaee eesstt.. Nww any fftteewwbbddssgg xxeett iil ell oo o uii hh ormm ike haa, ut hht f ou re rrvvllaaeettwwtt wwbbitt,oo ssooiittddwwtt n nsuraacc ompann..CCnn yu bokaa nnuuancee o iiiioo uutt y issnnmm nd  mmii ddrrss??
re hhyyeeppcc oo oo akktteeeemmnn uussiinn..AAdd yuueeppcc hhmmtt  nssee  hhmmaaddthhyywwll..HHwwdd nnwwii??IInt hhttoovvoosshhrr!!!!br> br> aaeessrr oo saaeeeessyyaakkffrriiffrraaiinn tat ssiipprraatttt oo  nn  oorrppooppcc..II ss goo oo uuiieessaaddttaa sseeaattyywwaa oo rr oonn eeeeoo he nneenntt tterwisee hhrr s ooppiittoo uilddnn eesstt oo uucc f ists  ffmmiieess<r> Seen oflict Beween Your srAdUes t!! Thii  sstteemmss oommnnsseeaaii  hhrr eesstt wweessccmmii  ggaaeemmssaaeettaa aa eeddtt hhii uuiiesss  eeoliiiinn hey eeomeetteerroonnbbssnnssssddmmllttoo  aa.  aakkii 0044 nnpphhttiittoouuee nn udate haa naalls heeuueesstt hhttwwtt ach>  br> ff yu eeiivv nn teerrvvee sscciinn hhttuuddtt aa ooaa llnnee..NN nn as aapy ith the update and there was a lot of swearing in the review section. From that year of 2014 till now, Snapchats user propelled from 57 million to 167 million in number.

Did they roll back their update? No.
Did they make some changes in the update? Hell no.
Then how did they get those numbers!!!

They stick to the users usability data. Remember one thing, action speaks louder ttaa hh oodd..TTeeeeii aarraaoo,,the lltt rrwwmmdd oo oossll  hhttii  nnww ssaaaayyiiss nnllss hh aaaa addttee aaeeaa cciinn  ee,,yyuu ust akk hhss eviiww nnooaaccuutt  ut  oottssooccss  hhmmii oorr jddmmnnss ddrrss hhm uttddnt akk aaorr caaggss jstt bccuuee ee  uuddeessoo iiwwrr wwaa tt ou nntteerrvvee> > Cocuig
eiin yjs vriwn hns ae ee cin d o h ot h rbe. ik otergtwbdsg.Ti ste wyw oor > />

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